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What's in my RYLA Pack

Writer's picture: Mai LeMai Le

Good morning everyone.... It's FriYaY, cue the happy dance. I am super stoked to be collaborating with a fellow mama blogger Lynn from the U.S. She is married and the most sweetest mama ever to a little girl. Once you have checked out our post go head on over to Lynn's blog Simplylynn.

As you can see from my diaper bag I pack the bare minimum LOL. My old overpacker self would cringe if she saw my bag now. When I had a newborn baby the first time around I swear I would pack the whole house in my bag. But after two kids and knowing what's needed I have whittled down my needs to a small but important selection.

Our Essentials:

- EPI Pen (my little girl a deathly tree nut/nut allergy)

- my credit card holder (my little guy calls it the money bag haha)

- body shop body butter hand cream

- pill case (you guys I have chronic migranes so this pill case is LIFE)

- polysporin and bandaids (because if your a boy mom you know you'll need bandaids LOL)

- wipes and Pull ups (you guys yes still pull ups this potty training is going to kill me---- I will have a post soon all ABOUT potty training)

- Extra change of clothes for both kids (because the one time I didn't bring extra clothes, my little guy fell into this pile of slush and got soak and wet and of course I forgot the change of clothes at home. I blame it on mom brain haha)

- And the stuff that I also bring but totally forgot to take a shot of is the kiddos water bottles, some snacks and their socks and under garments

Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a peek into what we pack in our RYLA pack. So go head on over to Lynn's post and check out what she packs in her RYLA bag. I am heading over there too, I am so excited to see what she packs.

© 2016 by M.FOR.MAI

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