From the time I hit 14 years old, my skin started to dramatically change and I started breaking out so bad at one point I even went to see my doctor to give me some sort of medication to help with the breakouts.
Fast forward to my late 30s and I'm finally figuring out good skincare that works for me so I thought I'd share some of the things that worked for me that may work for you as well.
Besides being in my late 30s (I'm actually turning 38 this year) and especially after having kids, my skin went from problematic to clearing up while I was pregnant to now being super sensitive and dry. I've also got hyperpigmentation as well.
I got sick of having to wear makeup all the time so right before I got pregnant with my third baby I decided to stop wearing makeup. And slowly my skin started changing but it's been a super slow process. Even after cutting out makeup, my skin cleared up but not a whole lot. And once my baby girl was born, I had to cut out lots of stuff from my diet because whilst I was breastfeeding my baby girl was having lots of tummy aches and discomfort. My doctor gave me a list of things to cut out to help with my daughter's discomfort. And through this process I found my skin clearing up even more.

With my diet changes. I had cut out sugar which wasn't too bad since I didn't have a sweet tooth. When I do have sugar its usually dark brow in my coffee, I was already drinking tonnes of water while I was breastfeeding so that wasn't a problem of making sure I drank lots of water throughout the day, making sure not to have processed foods, and major thing of all cutting out foods that irritated me. I highly recommend seeing a Naturopath to help with this process. I'm lactose intolerant as well so cutting out the little bits of yogurt I had sporadically or ice cream wasn't too hard. The big thing is I've cut out gluten and red meat from my diet. After cutting out red meat it's helped so much.

I also decided to go natural as I can with my skincare products as well. So I added Thayer's facial cleanser and toner to help with balancing my skin PH levels and since it's natural I knew it wouldn't irritate my skin. Trust me when I say I've tried out a lot of products to find the right ones for me.

I will say finding the products for you is truly trial and error. But a great rule to follow is getting to know your skin, remember the triggers, and your skin type, and when looking for trying out products stick with ones that are specific to your skin needs, try to stay natural as much as possible, look at the ingredients is a great place to start. If that ingredient list on the bottle of face cleanser or serum has lots of items you don't like don't put it on your skin. Take advantage of the skincare ladies at the counter, take advantage of their knowledge and ask them all the questions and they can definitely steer you in the right direction.
As I mentioned I wanted to stay close to natural products as possible. So when Garnier sent me a special package of goodies from their Green lab's line of natural products I was all in. And you guys it's so good. I truly believe these two particular items Brightening serum cream Pinea-C SPF30 and Brightening serum cream Pinea-C SPF30 had a major role in helping me with clearing up my skin. Within a week my hyperpigmentation started disappearing.

In the first week, you can see the hyperpigmentation and scaring I was dealing with. Believe it or not, the scaring was a lot worst but my mom brain totally forgot to take photos before I started.

In the second week, my hyperpigmentation is dramatically reduced and my scarring has started to fade quite a bit. I was shocked because these pictures you can't tell but in real life, I was shook at how much my hyperpigmentation was disappearing.

In the third week, my hyperpigmentation and scarring have almost completly gone. All you see really in person are my freckles. I'm going to continue using these products till they are all completely gone and show an update most likely in my Instagram stories. So be sure to follow us on there and check-in :)
I hope you try out some of these products and definitely look into seeing a naturopath and start on a cleaner diet which was some major things that really helped with clearing up my skin.
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