I was a teacher years before I became a mama and I always wholeheartedly felt that I learned so much from them. So many of my students impacted me on who I’d become as a teacher. When you think of role models, most of us automatically think of older people, pioneers from the past, and do we ever really look at the kiddos right in front of us? They are truly role models.
Especially during this crazy time, as parents, we’ve felt the strain of everything happening in the world, and yet the kiddos all seem mostly not affected by it all. If there are three things children can teach us is to be happy for no reason, to always be curious (pushing limits), and to fight for something tirelessly.

As a teacher, I looked at my students in awe and learned so much from them, and now to being a mama of three kiddos I continue to learn so much from them. They are truly my role models. I’m so excited to share that I’ve partnered up with H&M on their incredible initiative, Role Models.

If you’ve been following along, I share more on Instagram about what kind of world we want our kids to grow up in? Do we want them to continuously see all the hatred going around? Do we want to keep polluting this planet instead of caring for it? We can take note of the kiddos around us. I know I sure do. My oldest joined her club at school to clean up the garbage around our neighborhood. My little boy loves helping with our composting in our backyard. Seeing them passionately do their part to make this world a better place is something to take note of, and we as parents/adults owe it to the younger generation growing up to work on these things for a better tomorrow.

Come join me and H&M’s incredible Role Models campaign and look around, you’ll find a little kiddo trying to change the world. If you have a role model story to share, click this link here, and while you're here check out this awesome video of some inspiring kiddos having a candid conversation about changing the world.
